Monday, 27 June 2011

Behind the scenes on A Fine Bright Day Today

Sam as Rebecca in the production
Hi I’m Jonno the Deputy Stage Manager at the Oldham Coliseum Theatre.

Our current production is A Fine Bright Day Today which has a cast of three seasoned pros. Sam plays the role of Rebecca and during the course of the play her boyfriend Pete is mentioned several times but he’s never actually seen.

I’m on the floor for this production; basically back stage running around dealing with props and so on. And in true stage management style I go on stage in low lit scene change lighting to re-arrange small bits of furniture at the end of each scene.

On the first preview performance I went on stage ransacking my brain as to which vase goes where and “do I move the tea cups or is that another scene?” and I could hear ladies in the front row saying “Oh that must be Pete” Of course I’m not Pete! I look nothing like what we are led to believe Pete looks like, unless Pete permanently wears black, with a Coliseum logo and a radio headset. Anyways, according to the script he spends all his time in the pub whilst I in actual fact can be found between cues in the stage management office catching snippets of the Wimbledon Highlights (there aren’t an awful lots of cues in this show).

People joke about life back stage at a theatre being less than glamorous but on this occasion – with A Fine Bright Day Today - I have to say it simply isn’t true. Lovely cast, Wimbledon Highlights and of course fabulous scene changes.

Perfect end to this season at the Colly.

Deputy Stage Manager

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